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Never downloaded an game before. Made an account just to give my praises. This is something extraordinary, one of the most engaging FPS's I've played in years. This ROCKS! The Combat is fluid, ragdoll impacts are great, weapons feel good, punishing combat, the atmosphere is top tier. Like a combo of Manhunt and Hotline Miami. I am really looking forward to future updates of this game. 

I think a Slow Motion Mechanic would be really fun in this game with how the ragdolls work. Also double shotty when?

Overall, some of the most fun I've had with an indie game in years. I cannot wait to see what you do with it :)    


I think the VHS filter would look better without the scanline. It's a little annoying.


bruh release a new version i be itchin for ver 3


good things come to those who wait ......


F U C K İ N G   G A M E


i've been itching for something with this kind of gameplay and grit, i'm so excited to see where you take this


Hey man, saw your twitter acc got deleted.
Does this game still being worked on? 

oh shoot, no my account isn't deleted, it seems i forgot to update my twitter in the game. awhile ago, after it released, i changed my handle to

Absolutely incredible gameplay. Love the style, the mysteriousness, physics...i could go on. One suggestion (which i assume you're already planning to implement), customized controls. Other than that, this is extremely promising and i'll be back for more!

P.S. didn't die a single time on my first playthrough but it is punishing...and i like it. The tacticality? mixed with Quake and a hint of thriller/horror was well executed.


i can't ask for more , this is an amazing demo, definitely would the game when iut will release


haven't played it yet, but saw the vid, this looks GOOD ASF, dont give up on this please!!!

don’t worry, i won’t give up on it until it’s done :)


Amazing, felt a little punishing but I liked it. The only bothering was the weapon clipping, I hope you can fix that the next demo test build! Good luck! :D


Fun and straightforward combat, the feel is right and ragdoll satisfying. I like the looks as well, good job.


I really liked the combat, but I think that the death screams are funny not horrifying.
Would be nice if you kill them on the body their screams would be more frantic, like if they would be actually hurt to death and not like punched in the abdomen.

If you wanna make the player feel more tunnelvisioned or claustrophobic, you could make the flashlight tighter, would play into making the player go slower checking corners and more careful.


the comedic aspect is intentional, i'm planning on making them a lot more like the enemies in BLOOD. frantically yelling and cackling like idiots while you beat them with hammers, etc.

thank you for the feedback though! lots of changes in the future of this thing.


that's pretty cool! keep up the good work!


Would be cool if you could destroy the tv's to skip the monologue


I Really Liked This Game And Can't Wait For It's Full Release As The Game Play Is Super Fun With Many Options Of Weapons To Use.


Damn, this game is too good, i replayed this demo if not hundreds then dozens of times, and am kinda ashamed of sinking so much time in it. Every time i restart the demo i'm afraid that i'll get sick of it, but at the same time i'm also afraid that i never will.
So here's a couple of things i feel about the game (not particularly criticism or suggestions, just whatever i feel):
- the glock feels pretty bad because you can't spam shots
- i heard you want to make a cruelty squad mission type game and i'm kinda not feeling it, i think that the game could really benefit from having half-life type campaign, but really it just come down to your preference so make it the way you want
- i think the rabbit voicelines are really cool, he doesn't sound cold-blooded or collected like the guy from saw, but i think it fits him very well
- in one of your videos you said that you want the enemies to be dumb, but i think that the ai can be really fun to fight against if it was smarter
- i really like how the enemies behave, how they sometimes stand up after being shot and all that, so it would be really nice to have more of that

Ok that's kinda it, sorry for riding your dick so much in the beginning, i promise i'm not that uncool most of the time. My best time is 36 seconds with killing all enemies btw


hey thank you for the detailed feedback! a lot of what you're suggesting is stuff i've thought about as well:

the glock has been made to shoot faster in the build that i'm working on, but sadly it won't be public since i'm kinda in the mud of AI rework and a bunch of other stuff etc. though soon there'll be some sort of preview build on my patreon with new stuff.

the smaller and more intricate levels like the combat warehouse are actually going to be little side things you can do while having access to the bigger and more open levels to make extra cash. should be fun, and in theme with the game's story, so don't worry there will be plenty of ways to engage with the combat.

as it stands rn, the AI is pretty bad, i want it to be simple and consistent with some randomness tossed into the mix and potentially group behaviours. in my head, the game isn't really a tactical shooter, it's a medium to throw around a bunch of ragdolls, so however i can, i'm going to try to make the AI be more dynamic and goofy to encourage chaotic violence. 

also, i too find myself popping open the game to just run around and blow guys heads off. i'm still not sick of it somehow, though i do need to add a bunch more weapons :) 

again thank you for the feedback!


Thank you far answering! I really like where you're going with randomized stuff and personally the most fun i had with the demo was the times when shit went the unintended route. And one of the biggest factors contributing to this (besides using loud guns) was me accidentally shooting the lights off. Idk if you thought about it or not, but i think it might be really cool game design thingy if you intentionally sprinkled some stuff that the player can accidentally do, changing the flow or the route the player has to take, in a significant or not really way. For example in the demo when you shoot the sniper that stands on the container, you can accidentally shoot the lights off, even though it's not a big deal, that kind of stuff can make every playthrough more chaotic and personalized


this game is something that i needed for some time now, gives no country for old men vides for me, nice. thank you dude

(1 edit) (+1)

been waiting for a game with these vibes for a while. combat is super slick and fun so far, i'm obsessed. so excited to play more


yeah that was cool as fuck 


7 seconds





поднимет ли тебе это настроение ,но я уверен ,что у твоего проекта будет хорошее развитие


Good short shooter game


vaulting doesn't work most of the time


there is a bug where if your frames are low, vaulting doesn’t work. sorry :( will patch it later 


havent played yet but the aethetics alone are fire. 


hey what up, I'm a graffiti artist and I was wondering if I could do some art for your game


thank you for the offer, but i will have to decline :)


Alright that’s cool :’)


i LOVE how this is coming along, just a suggestion of something i think would be a cool little detail

i know there's an option to skip the intro altogether but i think it'd be funny to be able to break the TVs to skip the explanations and maybe over a loudspeaker you can hear the guy say "suit yourself" or something scary like that

i'm gonna (at some point) release a 3rd version of the demo with some more goodies and bugfixes, and if i can, i really do want to add that. no promises! but i do want to if i can implement it easily


Why can I don't mantle? 

there is a bug present that if the frames are around or lower than 30, mantling does not work :(

it will be fixed in a patch later, my apologies


Okay, thanks for the reply. Of course it's still a very, very cool Game.

(1 edit) (+1)

primitive on paper, but it hits the sweet spot (IT's AMAZING play it play it)


It feels fantastic, the atmosphere is great, and the weapon sounds are punchy. My only complaint is that enemies lose their heads too fast. I'm looking forward to the full game.


hell ye s


Absolutely potential game, in the future, if you need localization for Chinese, I can help.


Tres bonne demo! Hate d en voir plus =)


Aesthetic is spot on, and all the building blocks are there. It does require a lot of polish, but overall it was pretty enjoyable :P spOoOoOky :D


i really enjoyed the game. It reminds me of sawface, and i love it. Great Game overall. Check out my video on it :) 


Love the aesthetic and gameplay, can't wait to see what you do with it in the future.


Love the game just watch more gameplay


The combat feels great. It has a lot of impact.

(1 edit) (+1)

Absolutely loved the demo. Can't wait to see where it goes. 

Attempted a speedrun of it too. 


good time >:)

Deleted 320 days ago

i think i'm the first person to mod this game:



I don't know how, but shooting in this game really dope. Amazing game!

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