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Cannot wait!


You got a great game on your hands!!! I hope you're able to expand more on it. Had a lot of fun with it. Only thing I'd say is have a health bar available and you're good to go!!! GREAT JOB!!! 


This game is so hard, but very fun. 


Freaking Hot. Can't wait for the next update. You really did a good job! BTW need an iron sight or show crosshair when zoomed. It's hard to CQC combat while they shoot perfectly. It's kind an unfair.


The game is super. I found a bug, if you throw a bottle at an enemy while he doesn't see you, then when he gets up, he still won't see you, I found this bug on the motel map, on the roof


maybe im a gamer loser but this was super tough!! i feel like you stopped giving health pickups suddenly and so i had to cheese the enemy AI to beat it. the fact that when you die you restart from the beginning and can't skip the dialogue again made me too careful. add some more health pickups or make the shooter guys less precise :) great game though!! i had a lot of fun, the style is really nice and the sound design is excellent. filled out the feedback form!! excited to play more of it B-)


oh you can skip it, there’s a hole in the fence at the end of the first hallway you can jump thru :) it’s not super obvious doe so it’s probably confusing. thanks for playing! 🤝❤️


Very challenging game. And well done, of course. 


Great Game!

There is unfortunately a bug that I hope that you are able fix within the next couple of versions.

There is an issue with the player movement that completely breaks mantling. Something within the player movement script is actively prohibiting mantling at lower framerates.
More detail at this video:


yo thank you so much. left you a comment detailing my thoughts and response. i really appreciate the time and effort you spent to do this homie. 


Found a hotfix for it! Left a comment on the video.


For being a demo, this was rock solid! Gun mechanics felt great, and movement wasn't bad either. Made a video on it.

(6 edits) (+2)

very excited for this one. atmosphere is on point, grimy as hell. rarely does someone capture that gross fluorescent puke glow so well. the reactive ragdoll animations look great, don't usually see that on solo dev games. don't want to presume too much since I'm sure you're still plugging away and might be considering these things anyway, but for gameplay suggestions: more reactive AI (mooks don't react to wounds if they don't see me), and nerfing the lean.  I feel like being entirely invisible to the enemy while leaning makes things a bit too simple.

edit: oh yeah and probably not worth creating a whole new model for it but letting us smash the TVs with the sledgehammer to skip dialogue could be fun


immaculate vibe


i just did this epic speedrun... go watch it! xD


hi,, do u want to make a collaboration ??


loved this it would be cool if u could carry and melee weapon and a gun though


i disabled carrying more weapons for this build bc of a bug. in the next demo you will be able to carry multiple weapons :) 


This was absolutely amazing and I'm eager for more, but were there any health syringes during the shooting-combat segment? I kept having to run back to the beginning to refill on health.

(1 edit) (+2)

i think part of the combat test was to avoid getting hit and taking damage there was a few at the beginning but became less the farther you get in 


more- now lmao 100/10 dawg

(2 edits) (+1)(-1)

it's good but no check points? it is absolutely necessary to be able to skip the first two rooms with the sledgehammer an aw when you die. i like that the enemies can fall down and not die, more games should do this


at the end of the first hallway, jump right through the curtain. there's a hole in the fence there i included in version 2 so you can skip it :)


thank. by the way i ended up completing the demo after like 10 tries and it's only 1 minute long, that's alright

(1 edit) (+1)

i don't like the idea of checkpoints for a combat test the intro was annoying after doing it every time but checkpoints i don't think is necessary past that


I really need the full version. Great work.


Finally! Decent shooter-horror-vibe with satisfying controls. Great work. Eager to see future full version.


great demo! really brings me back to half life 2, hell yeah brother


Perfect FPS Controls, and i mean Half-Life like perfect. The mounting felt a bit floaty but it's a demo, so things will get worked on anyway.

It just feels great to play, what's there is already very solid. It immediately reminded me a of a certain old game by the name of "Manhunt", could it be that it was a source of inspiration?

The way the Enemies fall or can get back up is pretty neat aswell.

Also very coherent and beautiful art-style, very talented devs and the full release will certainly be great. 


Wow, can't wait for full game, smooth combat and really liked  FPS + VSH horror combination.


I could not play the game. It always displays on my monitor 0. Even through my monitor 1 is my main monitor. Please make a way to choose which monitor it displays on or a way to do windowed mode so I can move it. I can't play it on monitor 0.

ah sorry about that. if you use the windows keys to switch monitors, that could work. windows key + arrow keys i believe


Brilliant, I look forward to the full release.  


Man this game feels GOOD! One of the nicest looking games on the whole site and one of the most solid experiences on here period! I've been following tito on twitter for awhile and watching him level up so much in such a small window is insane, this guy is TALENTED. Knocked it out of the park, crazy how immersed I got in literally the first 10 seconds. 6 demon bunnies out of 5

aw thank you julio!! you a real one for sticking around bro. both you and biz have been around since the beginning and i really appreciate it 🥺


Really diggin' the vibe. The masks threw me back to Manhunt and the dismemberment style of the 2000s.

Great things: audio (hearing reverb footsteps coming after me was terrifying), fitting and well-done director, enemies TRIPPING OVER CORPSES??!!?! and wounded enemies getting back up are GREAT

Some critiques: bodies react to gunshots after death but not melee which is strange, occasional silence when shot/hit was also odd, bodies randomly disappearing or clipped thru the ground (tho these do fit the PS2 feel), the masks falling off and disappearing made me sad and it'd be kinda cool if we could pick the masks up as either a collectible or even to wear different ones to add to the grunge and grit, also +1 to the comment for melee blocking or maybe a Kick option to stun which would add to the dope wounded/rising back up animations and could even entail environmental hazards (or just yeeting enemies off ledges)

Definitely look forward to some potential stealth killing too! Thanks for the awesome demo!

you’re gonna be happy to hear that i have an entire portion of development planned just for adding mask abilities :) that’ll be featured in the next demo 


My Speedrun attempt at 26 seconds:


This thing is a masterpiece. Check out my commentary/review +gameplay.


Great game lol
(4 edits) (+2)

Here's a very unoptimized speedrun of the demo!

Some points of feedback beyond the Google Form's questions:

  • There are some really nice touches scattered throughout! Tarp physics, clear feedback when enemies are dead when their masks pop off, and the music during the credits all stand out.
  • It would be nice if the demo was labeled as being compatible with Windows in the Itch metadata so that the desktop app could manage installations for it. (Addressed!)
  • A way to restart at the beginning of the combat trial without needing to sit through the couple of TV sequences that aren't skipped by the "skip intro" button would make it easier to try out the whole arsenal of weapons. (Addressed w/ version 2!)
  •  I'll second DancingEngie's comment on the AI and level design feeling a bit torn between aiming for very fast/slow gameplay on a first playthrough. (I'm not really able to judge whether this was addressed in v2 as I'm not coming at it with fresh eyes, but hopefully the reaction time changes help!)

yo thank you for the feedback! AI refactor coming soon w/ the next demo. will hopefully have a better flow for gameplay by then.




Nice one. I didn't finished yet. But it brought a nostalgic sense of survive, thanks for share and I'll keep an eye in other games yours.


Pretty fun! The aesthetic works very well! 

Some suggestions:
More oomph/bass/feedback on gunplay and kills. More blood or smth
Slight fisheye for bodycam look?
Actually have the bomb collar detonate.

I really like that enemies can rise after they've been damaged. That was the source of a lot of tension and jumpscares. Keep going on that concept!!

oh the bomb collar will detonate if you shoot out security cameras or find a secret


the game turns slow-mo if you pause before you die.


Outstanding job. Movement felt good, I loved the death animations and the way the smoke trails up from the gun barrels. The grungy-looking environments were awesome too. I wish we could ADS every weapon and that we had a tiny dot reticule when hip-firing (or aiming), but overall this is top-notch. Btw do we play as female?! That's badass! Here's my No Commentary playthrough:


yep, female protagonist :) there are going to be male and female variations of enemies and npcs in the full game as well, just have to model them


nice retro

Unfortunately trying to mantle over a big wall with an arrow on it wasn't working so I couldn't continue

Still, what I did play was pretty good. I think the sledgehammer needs a block or something to make melee a little more viable

But otherwise, this is great. Really love the atmosphere

(1 edit) (+1)

I just remembered something regarding ADS sensitivty I forgot to add in the feedback form !!!! When playing around with the ADS sens I noticed it feels like it doesn't scale with the scopes ? Changing the ADS sens for weapons without a scope, I'll change it to be fairly low and when switching to a scope the sensitivity is VERY low, and vice versa. When adjusting the sens for scoped it makes zooming with ironsight weapons make them have very high sens. I wouldn't know how to fix this but I do think it's something worth investigating :3


once this gets more complete it might be my favorite game

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